Office Location: Duns Scotus 106
Contact: 716-839-8218 or
Recent Updates:
2/29/24 Expense Adjustment form-new form to correct expenditures posted to wrong account (Forms page)
12/14/23 Updated purchase requisitions (Forms page)
8/01/23 All cash and check deposits are to be received in the Office of Student Accounts (DS112)
8/01/23 AP checks are mailed on Friday unless requested for pickup; pickup is on Friday in the Office of Student Accounts (email will be sent to confirm)
7/24/23 Updated Daily Deposit Log form
6/1/22 New Vendor Request (Purchasing page and Forms page)
Mission Statement
It is the philosophy of the Office of Business Affairs (Business Office) to adhere to high standards of ethical practice in the processing of accounting transactions, the dissemination of financial information, the use of institutional resources, and the safeguarding of university assets. We strive to accurately process financial transactions and provide timely accounting information and reports to students, faculty and staff. The business office is responsible for liaisons with external funding agencies, government agencies, and external auditors to insure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We perform all treasury-related duties, including the investment of university funds, and seek to provide the necessary financial protection of university assets through the exercise of cost effective internal controls. Our commitment is to provide financial leadership and expertise to the institution and to perform our duties with honesty and integrity. It is our fundamental goal to work cooperatively with all university stakeholders and to contribute toward an environment of respect, collegiality and professionalism.
The Daemen University fiscal year runs from June 1 through May 31.
Personnel & Contact Information
Timothy P. Balkin
Interim Vice President for Business Affairs
Email address:
Please direct all accounting questions and requests for assistance to